May 20, 2009


I have been looking forward to having my Mom, Samantha, her fiancee and the kiddos come visit me for quite a few months now. Just a couple of days for visiting just isn't enough because they were gone in a blink of an eye. I did have a lot of fun though and enjoyed getting to visit. I have so many pictures to share that I hope I don't overwhelm you al. The first day I brought the family by David's house where I couldn't stop taking pictures of his bougainvilla bush...I think that is how it is spelled. It was so colorful and beautiful, we had a good time visiting though.

That evening we headed over to Trisha's to swim in the pool for a little bit. Ben started jumping off the diving board and we had a blast cooling down. Felt bad that they had to visit in the 100's. It can be brutal for anyone out here so it is nice to refresh ourselves with the pool.

The next day I dragged them all to the zoo where we exhausted the kids and ourselves. We got to see a lot of the animals and let the kids play in the water area that they just built at the zoo. With the heat killing us, it was nice to get in there with the kids and play in the water.

Well I had so much fun and I appreciate them making that very long drive down here, especially with three fiesty kids. I enjoyed meeting Sam's fiancee Mike, he is a really nice guy. The kids are getting so big, Michael is taller than me and Trent isn't too far behind. Austen is such a love bug and had a blast with Benjamin. Hope everyone enjoys the pictures!!

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