April 13, 2009


We had a great Easter together and ate way too much food. We thought that finger foods would be nice to munch on all day, it was way too much food that we just gorged ourselves with. Anyways, the kids woke up and found the eggs and baskets and had a blast. We had Bill's parents and Kristen, Nathan and Julia over too. We had so much fun just jabbering and watching the kids play. They all got to do an egg hunt, which Ben and Julia caught on really quick. We flew some kites, Kristen saved the day by catching the runaway one. We also blew some bubbles until I got light headed. Matthew just wanted to eat the eggs, Ben wanted all the eggs and Justice didn't want to share his eggs. They all had a good time and so did we. Here are some pictures to prove it!! I sure did miss my family back home and wish we all could be together.

Benjamin and Julia looking cute after hunting for eggs, Ben was already getting into his candy.

Justice loved the bubbles he got and Matthews, who says big kids can't have fun?

Ben wanted to keep dipping the eggs in the different colors. You should have seen the color of his hands...they worked better than the spoon he thought.

I think he just wanted Daddy out of his basket...he just wanted to eat the grass.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

You have such a cute family!