June 17, 2008

Not Much Longer!!

The good news is that I am almost done and Matthew will be here in a couple of weeks. I talked to the doctor yesterday and I am still not dilated. That is okay, I at least got to see him and get a date when we can induce out of him. I can induce the night of the 27th. So Matthew should be here on the 28th, I feel so selfish for wanting to have it done so quickly but things are really uncomfortable. We have decided on Matthew William Sibole. Justice and Benjamin are taking the whole news well I think. Justice is very excited to have more toys to play with and Benjamin is unsure what is going on just yet. He now thinks a belly is called a baby. I show him the babies in the stores and he just kind of looks at me funny. Oh well, hopefully he will be okay with sharing mommy and daddy with little brother. They are both big helpers, so I am very lucky. I will of course update this wonderful blog that my good friend Tammy shared with me when the time comes.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Yay! I am so glad you started a blog! Just a warning, it's addictive! I am so glad you have an end in sight! Pregnancy is just so hard on your body, it's not selfish to want to be comfortable again! Hope that everything with the delivery goes well, we'll be looking forward to pictures!