March 22, 2013

Where Has the Time Gone?

Holy Moly....I really didn't realize how long it has been since I have been on here...I am so sorry and hope you all can forgive me...

Unfortately I only have a few minutes before I need to start getting the kids to bed and be off to work.  So much has happened, don't know where to start from the last blog. 

Bill is still at MASH and sort of loving working with the dogs and cats.  He is trying to figure out how to run a business and seeing if that is where his future is...hopefully more details to follow in a couple of months on that. 
Me...I am working nights now and trying to figure out how people function and live a normal life while working nights.  I am still with the Sherrifs office and has its bad and good days.  It is a very rewarding job, and I enjoy doing my part in the community.  I have been trying to find the strength and motivation to start exercising...let me know if you know how to find them.  Other than that I keep myself awake and busy at night by working on my crochet and cross stitching....been loving that. 
Justice is hard at work in high school and especially his robotics class...he is the president of the robotics club and takes it very seriously.  They are currently having a competition this weekend against 50 other!!  He is also now taller than his dad...they look identical actually. 
Ben still loves school and is enjoying making new friends on a daily basis.  He is truly a big hearted kid...he really enjoys all his friends and sees the good in all really warms my heart. He also is a natural and loves all sports...can't wait to see him in action.  He is still a huge help for me...always a good big brother.
Matthew is all muscle and doesn't like people to know how smart he really is...he is always surprising me with what he knows.  He is such a sweetie mommy!!  He is still struggling with his speech so we are planning on getting his hearing checked. 
Then theres Jon....that boy is a bully and a hand full at times....he is such a cutie though all at the same time.  Him and his red hair makes him irresistable.  He enjoys attacking his brothers and getting into anything he knows he isn't supposed to.  He is saying more words everyday...he also likes to repeat everything he hears.  Makes for interesting days.
The boys have started singing all the music that we usually listen is so cute hearing them and requesting music from us. I love that they know 80's music and bands....ah yah!!

As for the rest of the family...Rosco, Bailey, Mr. Krabs, chickens...and Twitch...they are all doing well....

We are truly blessed and thank God everyday for what we have...not to say we don't have our ups and downs...this year has been very trying but we still try to enjoy life and keep swinging at what ever comes our way.  We love you all and appreciate you all for caring and thinking of us. 

I tried to upload photos...but it sys they are all too big...I will try again later promise...

1 comment:

Tammy said...

So good to hear you are all doing so well! Love you girl!