October 19, 2011

Jonathon at 5 Months...

Well I don't know about you, but I think he is just the cutest little guy ever!! Jonathon is growing up so fast and I just want him to slow down...but at the same time I am so excited for him to get up and run around with the other boys. He watches them intently, wanting to play too. He adores his brothers, he loves watching them and talking to them and just being around them.

Jonathon is now eating all kinds of vegetables and has tried a couple of different fruits. He also likes his rice at night with his milk. He really doesn't favor one flavor over the other just yet but he sure did love Mango the other night. He is still breast feeding great, yah for Jon!! He is sitting up almost unassisted, still is a little wobbly. He is starting to move backwards on the floor with belly time. He also loves to grab anything in sight and of course whatever it is it instantly goes in the mouth. So needless to say you have to watch him around everything. He is such a drool head too, it just pours out all day long. It is fun sometimes to chase the kids around with it too...they love it though.

Well I can't believe how fast time is flying, I feel like in a couple of weeks I will be chatting about him turning one. He is just so precious...just like the rest. It is amazing how much your children change your life, they mean the world to me and I just love them so much!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

He is so cute! I just want to kiss his face!